Friday 4 December 2015


M. DEMBOVSKI (b. 1893)

            His family came from Vilkovishk (Vilkaviskis), Lithuania.  Over the years 1911-1914, he was a medical student at Kiev University.  From there he was drafted into the Russian Army.  During WWI he fought against the Austrians in Bukovina and in Galicia.  He authored the book: Mit di kozakn iber bukovine un galitsye (With the Cossacks through Bukovina and Galicia) (Vilkovishk, 1923), 157 pp., with a preface in which he explains why wrote this volume.  The author, who was one of the few Jewish doctors among Cossack regiments, described his personal experiences and mainly the harsh suffering of the Jewish masses in Bukovina and Galicia under Russian occupation.  His work constitutes an important document on the Jewish communities in Galicia and Bukovina during WWI.

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