Wednesday 29 April 2015
Tuesday 28 April 2015
Monday 27 April 2015
He was prose author and playwright, born
in Telekhan (Tsyelyakhany), Minsk region (later Polesia), Byelorussia. His father, Yisroel-Dovid, was religious man,
engaged in scholarship, and for a time a tenant innkeeper in the village of
Vyado. Godiner received a traditional
education, studying Jewish subjects with his father, and later under the
influence of illegal socialist literature, he was captivated by the
revolutionary movement and was one of the founders of the youth movement dubbed
the Kleyner Bund (Little Bund). In 1908,
he and his parents moved to Warsaw, where he became an apprentice in a
locksmith’s workshop. At age seventeen
he began to work in a metal factory. At
the same time, he devoted himself to acquiring an education on his own. He read great quantities of the Russian,
Polish, and German literature. In Warsaw
he made his first attempts at composing poetry and stories, and he showed his
writings to Y. L. Peretz who encouraged him to write more. At the end of 1912, he was drafted into the
Tsarist army, served in the Caucasus, participated in the first fighting of
WWI, and in 1914 he was wounded while traversing the Carpathian Mountains on
the battle front. In early 1918 he was
captured by the Austrians, but he was soon successful in escaping from their
camp to Warsaw, and from there he returned to Russia. He remained for a short time in the army, and
when the Russian civil war started, he joined the Red Army; he later joined the
Communist Party. In 1921 he came to Moscow
as a student and entered the Valery Bryusov Institute for Literature and
studied there for two years. He
initially wrote poetry (never published), but from 1921 he wrote only
prose. At first, he wrote mainly about the
war themes and Russian civil war, and in a distinctive symbolist style. His first story, entitled “Reges” (Moments),
was published in Emes (Truth) in Moscow in 1921, and later published work
in Shtern (Star) in Minsk, Der shtrom (The stream) in Moscow, and
other magazines and newspapers. He
became recognized as one of the groundwork-layers of Soviet Yiddish prose. He also wrote dramatic works, translated many
books from Russian, and compiled a literary anthology. Gordiner went to Birobidzhan on two
occasions, and there he helped found Yiddish schools and libraries, and to
strengthen cultural work. He penned a
long story, “Birobidzhaner” (A man from Birobidzhan), among the first
immigrants there. In 1934 he was seated on the presidium with the most
prominent Yiddish authors—Perets Markish, Dovid Hofshteyn, Izi Kharik, and
Yekhezkl Dobrushin—at the first conference of the councils in the Jewish
Autonomous Region. He demonstrated great mastery in his chef d’oeuvre, Der mentsh mit der biks (The man with the
rifle), in which he described the events in WWI and the civil war. Soon after
the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in the June of 1941, he volunteered to
fight at the front. He fought there together with the partisans. He died there in 1942.
Among his books are the following: Tog antkegn (Toward
the day) (Moscow: Der emes, Kultur-lige, 1924), 127 pp.; Der mentsh mit der
biks, a novel in two volumes (Moscow: Shul un bukh, 1928, 1933), several
reprint editions; Figurn afn rand, dertseylungen (Figures on the edge,
stories) (Kiev: Kultur-lige, 1929), 251 pp.; Oys religye zamlung fun literatur (Out with religion! Literature
collection) (Moscow: Bezbozhnik, 1929), 56 pp., with A. Vevyorke; Dzhim
kuperkop (Jim Kuperkop), a dramatic pamphlet in eleven scenes (Moscow-Kharkov-Minsk:
F.S.S.R. Publ., 1930), 131 pp. (staged by Artef [Communist-inspired Yiddish
theater] in New York); Kavkom hersh, dertseylung (Kavkom Hersh, a story)
(Kharkov: State Publishers of National Minorities, 1933), 15 pp.; Verk, ershter band, dertseylungen
(Works, vol. 1: stories) (Moscow: Emes, 1933), 378 pp.; Muterland, roman (Motherland, a novel) (Moscow: Emes, 1935), 480
pp.; Di akore fun rohatshev (The
fortress of Rogachov), a story (Moscow: Emes, 1936), 16 pp.; Di gliklekhe muter elke (Elke, the happy
mother), a story (Moscow: Emes, 1936), 48 pp.; Yudke komunareytshikl (Yudke, the little communard), a story
(Moscow: Emes, 1936), 48 pp.; Di
heylike shklover levone
(The heavenly Shklov [Szkłów, Škłoŭ] moon)
(1936); Der ershter (The first) (Moscow, 1938), 12 pp.; A nakht bam tseyln (A night counting), a
story (Moscow: Emes, 1938), 11 pp.; Zaveler trakt (Zavel highway), a story (Moscow: Emes, 1938), 190 pp. (New York:
Ikuf, 1950), 247 pp.; Linitisher
yatn (Linitish guys), a story (Moscow: Emes, 1939), 17 pp.; Der yontef
fun frayndshaft (The festival of friendship) (Moscow: Emes, 1939), 46 pp.; Andere
mentshn (Other people), stories (Moscow: Emes, 1940), 288 pp. His work was included in: Deklamater fun der sovetisher yidisher literatur (Reciter of Soviet Yiddish
literature) (Moscow: Emes, 1934); Der arbeter in der yidisher literatur, fargesene lider (The worker
in Yiddish literature, forgotten poems) (Moscow, 1939); the anthology Birebidzhan (Birobidzhan) (Moscow, 1936); Far der bine: dertseylungen, pyeses, lider (For the stage: stories, plays, poems), with
musical notation (together with Yekhezkl Dobrushin and Elye Gordon) (Moscow:
Central People’s Publ., 1929); Bafrayte
brider, literarishe zamlung (Liberated brethren, literary anthology) (Minsk”
State Publishers of Byelorussia, 1939); Farn heymland in shlakht! (For the homeland in battle!)
(Moscow: Emes, 1941); Komyug, literarish-kinstlerisher zamlbukh ([Jewish] Communist Youth, literary-artistic
anthology) (Moscow: Emes, 1938); and Osher
shvartsman, zamlung gevidmet dem tsvantsik yortog fun zayn heldishn toyt
(Osher Shvartsman, collection dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of his
heroic death) (Moscow: Emes, 1940). His
translations include: Lidiya Seifullina’s Erd-zaft (Juice of the earth)
(Moscow: Shul un bukh, 1924), 158 pp., and her Virinyeya (original: Virineya)
(Moscow: Emes, 1925), 146 pp.; Fedor Gladkov, Tsement (Cement [original:
Zement]) (Moscow: Shul un bukh, 1927), 334 pp.; Mikhail Rozanov, Kostya ryabtsevs togbukh (Kostya Ryabtsev’s diary) (Moscow, 1928), 222
pp.; Yuri Oliosha, Kine (Envy) (Warsaw: Literarishe bleter, 1934), 137
pp.; Maksim Gorki’s Klim sangins lebn (The life of Klim Samgin [original: Zhizn’
Klima Samgina]) (Moscow, 1937). Godiner also compiled (together with Yisroel
Rabinovitsh) Af barikadn, revolyutsyonere shlakhtn in der
opshpiglung fun der kinstlerisher literatur (At the barricades,
revolutionary battles in the lens of artistic literature) (Kharkov: Central
Publ., 1930), 300 pp.
M. Mizheritski, in Royte velt (Kharkov) (September-October 1931); M.
Kashtshevatski, in Royte velt (August 1931); Y. Bronshteyn, Atake
(Attack) (Minsk, 1931), pp. 194-218; A. Vevyorke, Der stil fun der
proletarisher literatur (The style of proletarian literature) (Kharkov,
1932), p. 28; D. Manyevitsh, in Morgn-frayhayt (New York) (May 2, 1932);
Shmuel Niger, in Tog (New York) (December 16, 1934); A. Abtshuk, Etyudn
un materialn tsu der geshikhte fun der yidisher literatur bavegung in FSRR
(Studies and material for the history of the Yiddish literature movement in the
Soviet Union) (Kharkov, 1934), pp. 27-29, 50, 51, 61; M. Natovitsh, in Eynikeyt
(Moscow) (February 24, 1945); N. Y. Gotlib, Sovetishe shrayber (Soviet
writers) (Montreal, 1945), pp. 88, 92; Ester (Godiner) Miler, preface to Shmuel
Godiner’s novel Zaveler trakt (New York, 1950), pp. 9-13; David Knaani
and Arye Shamri, translators, Lo amut ki eḥye (I will not die, but live on) (Merḥavia, 1957).
Zaynvil Diamant and Aleksander Pomerants
information from: Berl Kagan, comp., Leksikon
fun yidish-shraybers (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers) (New
York, 1986), col. 123; and Chaim Beider, Leksikon
fun yidishe shrayber in ratn-farband (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish
writers in the Soviet Union), ed. Boris Sandler and Gennady Estraikh (New York:
Congress for Jewish Culture, Inc., 2011), pp. 65-66.]
Sunday 26 April 2015
[Additional information from: Berl Kagan, comp., Leksikon fun yidish-shraybers (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers) (New York, 1986), col. 540.]