Thursday 23 April 2015


MOYSHE BARKHAN (1865-191?)
            He was born in Polotsk, Vitebsk region, into a merchant family.  He studied in religious primary school and synagogue study hall.  He was a teacher in Warsaw.  During WWI, he was in Russia and died there.  His first published writing was a poem in Avrom Reyzen’s anthology, Yorbukh-progress (Annual-progress) of 1905.  He published sketches and poems in: Dos naye land (The new land), Telegraf (Telegraph), Haynt (Today), Fraynd (Friend), Y. L. Peretz’s collection Yudish (Jewish), Idishe shtime (Jewish voice) in Riga, Kinski’s Roman tsaytung (Fiction newspaper), and Eyropayishe literatur (European literature).  He also translated poems by Juliusz Słowacki and others.

Sources: Y. Entin, Yidishe poetn (Jewish poets), vol. 1 (New York, 1927); Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 1.

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