Friday 17 April 2015


AKIVA BROYDES (1879-1937)
Born in Chernobyl, Kiev region, Ukraine, he was the son of Avraham Broydes, nephew of Reuven-Asher Broydes.  He studied in the Ramayles Yeshiva in Vilna.  In his youth, he wrote correspondence pieces in Hebrew and stories in Russian under the pen name “Bez-Zashchitny” (No protection).  In June 1906 he emigrated to the United States.  In July of the same year, he published his first short story in Varhayt (Truth), then edited by L. Miller; in 1912 he contributed to Yidishe arbeter-velt (Jewish workers’ world) in Chicago; in 1915 he was the publisher and editor of the daily and later weekly Yidishe prese (Jewish press) in St. Louis, Missouri; in 1918 he contributed to Forverts (Forward) in New York; in 1919 he was the editor of the daily newspaper Der veg (The way) in Detroit, Michigan; he also contributed to Fraynd (Friend), organ of the Workmen’s Circle, and to Naye velt (New world).  Among his pseudonyms: Bardaas (sensible person), Y. Shtark, and K. Fenin.  He also translated The History of Trade Unionism by Sidney and Beatrice Webb—as Di geshikhte fun treyd-yunyonizm (New York: Kropotkin-literatur gezelshaft, 1920); and Den romantiske Skole i Frankrig (The romantic school in France) by Georg Brandes—as Di romantishe shul in frankraykh, 2 volumes (New York, 1922) [maybe via the earlier English translation—JAF].  From 1922 forward he was connected with the Workmen’s Circle schools in Toronto, Canada.  He died in California.

Source: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 1.

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