Friday 12 June 2015



            He was poet and playwright. We have no information about his place of birth and his biography. “Elye Golub” may be a pseudonym. All we do know is that he was born in Russia, took part in the civil war, and began publishing in the first Soviet Yiddish serials, such as in the journal Kunst-ring (Art ring) 2 (1919) in Kharkov. His poems were imbued with symbolic motifs regarding the standard of the 1917 Revolution.

He authored such books as: In shturem (In the storm) which included the poems “Der vald” (The woods) and “Di shtot un azazel” (The city and Azazel) (Kharkov, 1918), 34 pp.; Tsu a nayer velt (Toward a new world), a symbolic drama in four acts (Kharkov, 1919), 48 pp.; and Tsvishn veltn (Between worlds), songs and poems (Kharkov-Poltava: Ukrainian State Publ., 1921), 71 pp. 

Sources: Mordkhe Yofe, in Nay lebn (Kiev) (July 13, 1918); Z. Ratner and Y. Kvitni, Dos yidishe bukh in f.s.s.r. in di yorn 1917-1921 (The Yiddish book in the USSR for the years 1917-1921) (Kiev, 1930).

[Additional information from: Chaim Beider, Leksikon fun yidishe shrayber in ratn-farband (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers in the Soviet Union), ed. Boris Sandler and Gennady Estraikh (New York: Congress for Jewish Culture, Inc., 2011), pp.70-71.]

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