Tuesday 28 June 2016


            He was born in Zabludove (Zabłudów), near Bialystok, Russian Poland.  From 1897 he was a Hebrew teacher in Bialystok.  In 1914 he published Ḥidot veshealot (Puzzles and questions), and he published puzzles in various Hebrew magazines.  From 1925 he was publishing his puzzles in the Bialystok serials Dos naye lebn (The new life) and Unzer lebn (Our life).  For a time he was the secretary to Y. L. Perets.  He was a member of the Warsaw Hebrew literary and journalists’ association.  He devoted his time to collecting material from old Jewish sources in the Bialystok region.  He was killed in the liquidation of the Bialystok ghetto under the Nazi occupation.

Sources: Byalistoker leksikon (Bialystok handbook) (Bialystok, 1935); Unzer lebn (Bialystok) (September 24, 1937); A. Sh. Hershberg, in Pinkes byalistok (New York) 1 (1949); Ber Mark, Der oyfshtand in byalistoker geto (The uprising in the Bialystok ghetto) (Warsaw, 1950), pp. 49, 141; Mark, Umgekumene shrayber fun di getos un lagern (Murdered writers from the ghettos and camps) (Warsaw, 1954).
Yankev Kahan

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