Sunday 22 November 2015


SHABSE-SHABSIEL DAYTSH (b. December 20, 1885)
            He was born in Droye (Druya), Vilna region, Lithuania, into a merchant household.  He received a religious education and later graduated from a secular Russian high school in Vilna.  In 1902 he was active in circles involving the Labor Zionists.  He was in the United States, 1906-1908.  He was involved with labor assistance on behalf of colonies in the land of Israel.  He was a delegate to the socialist territorialist conference in Cleveland.  Together with Borekh Tsukerman and Ab. Goldberg, he came to Israel in 1908, and he brought with him there the first incubator.  He became ill, though, and in 1911 he returned to Vilna.  Until 1915 when the Germans occupied Lithuania, he was an active Zionist leader.  After WWI, he was selected to serve on the Jewish National Council in Lithuania.  In 1919 he was a representative of the Labor Zionists on the Vilna Labor Council.  From 1924 until his return to Israel at the end of 1927, he and Leyb Yofe were the chairmen of the Jewish National Fund in Lithuania.  Over the years 1919 to 1927, he was a member of the editorial board of the daily newspaper Idishe shtime (Jewish voice) in Kovno, in which he published articles on Zionist and Jewish issues and on music.  Among his books: Vi azoy kolonizirt men erets-yisroel, a proyekt fun kolonizatsye (How to colonize the land of Israel, a project for colonization) (Kovno, 1927), 52 pp.  He also published under the pen name “A Vanderer” (a wanderer), among others.

Sources: Der idisher natsyonaler-rat in lite (The Jewish National Council in Lithuania) (Kovno, 1922); Y. Mark, ed., Zamlbukh, lekoved dem tsvey hundert un fuftsikstn yoyvl fun der yidisher prese 1686-1936 (Anthology in honor of the 250th jubilee of the Yiddish press, 1686-1936) (New York, 1937), p. 252; Yitsḥak Broydes, Vilna hatsiyonit veaskaneha (Zionist Vilna and those working for it) (Tel Aviv, 1939), pp. 246-52, 317; D. Tidhar, in Entsiklopedyah lealutse hayishuv uvonav (Encyclopedia of the pioneers and builders of the yishuv), vol. 1 (Tel Aviv, 1947).

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