Monday 6 March 2017


            He graduated from the medical school of Kiev University and went on to practice medicine in the towns of Shpole (Shpola) and Horodishche (Gorodishche).  He published a series of articles on natural science and medicine in Yudishe folkstsaytung (Jewish people’s newspaper), edited by Kh. D. Hurvitz and M. Spektor (Warsaw-Cracow) (1902-1903); he later contributed to the daily Fraynd (Friend), which began publication in 1903 in St. Petersburg, and to the monthly Dos leben (The life), a publication of Fraynd (St. Petersburg, 1905) in which Lyakumovitsh (in issues 1 and 8-9) penned the articles: “Vifiel darf a mensh leben?” (How long should one live?) on Professor Metshnikov’s Etyudy o prirode cheloveka (Studies of human nature); “Infektsyeze krankheyten” (Infectious diseases); and “Kholera” (Cholera), a lengthy treatment.  He was a fine popularizer with a pure, flowing, and rich Yiddish.  He also translated from Russian: Staniukovich, Shayke (Gang) (St. Petersburg: Naye biblyotek, 1904); Korolenko, Di shtume tsung (The mute tongue [original: Bez yazyka (Without language)]), in Dos leben 2-8; and Aleksander Yablonovsky, Avrom der aynbinder (Abraham the bookbinder), in Fraynd (1907); among others.

Source: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 2.
Borekh Tshubinski

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