Tuesday 21 March 2017


MEYER LITVAK (1861-1932)
            He was born in Kremenits, Volhynia.  He graduated from a Russian public school and a Russian high school, and later he studied medicine.  During the Russo-Japanese War, he was a military doctor at the front, in Harbin, and in Khabarovsk, and he received the rank of general.  He was again mobilized as a military doctor during WWI.  He was a pioneer in the Zionist movement in his home city, and for many years he was chairman of Volhynia Zionist organization, a member of the executive of TOZ (Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia [Society for the protection of health]), and chair of the doctors’ association of Kremenits.  He published articles in the weekly newspapers: Vohliner leben (Volhynia life), Voliner shtime (Voice of Volhynia), and Kremenitser leben (Kremenits life).  In 1928 he visited the United States on a community assignment.  He died in Kremenits.

Sources: Obituary in Voliner shtime (Rovne) 15 (1932); M. Sambirer, in Pinkes kremenits (Records of Kremenits) (Tel Aviv, 1953), pp. 360-62.
Benyomen Elis

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