Sunday 14 July 2019


            He was the author of: Der nayer sort khsides (The new variety of Hassidism) (1921), 8 pp.; Far vos veren iden geshtroft? (Why are Jews punished?) (1925), 3 pp.; Farshteht zikh zelbst, 50 lektsyes vegen menshlikher psikhologye in ale ire shatirungen un farben (Understand yourself, fifty lessons on human psychology in all of its hue and colors) (1926), 8 pp.; Der idisher gayst, a plan vegen dos shafen a idishe akademye in erets-yisroel (The Jewish spirit, a plan for the creation of a Jewish academy in the land of Israel) (1926), 8 pp.; Untervegens shas (Ways of the Talmud) (1927), 32 pp.; Der program fun dem nayem bez-dn (The program for a new rabbinical court) (1926), 10 pp.; Oys ekonomisher krizis (Out of the economic crisis) (1928), 8 pp.; Dos eybige likht (The eternal light)—all in London.  He edited: inukh hadat vehadaat (Education in religion and general knowledge) (Hebrew-Yiddish) (Berlin, 1912/1913); Patshegen ktav hadat (Digest of writing on religion) (Hebrew-Yiddish) (London, 1918); Gut morgen (Good morning) (London: 2 issues, May 1928 and February 1933); Der yom hadin (The day of judgment) (London, 1930); Der velt doktor (The world doctor) (Yiddish-English) (London, 1933); Di londoner fraye prese (The London free press) (London, 1933); Der folks tsaytung (The people’s newspaper) (London, 1937?).  He translated into Yiddish tractate Berakhot (Creation) of the Talmud (London, 1922).  He died in London

Source: Leonard Prager, A Bibliography of Yiddish Periodicals in Great Britain (1867-1967) (Cincinnati, 1969), nos. 16, 101, 125, 163ff.
Berl Cohen

[Additional information from: Berl Kagan, comp., Leksikon fun yidish-shraybers (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers) (New York, 1986), col. 514.]

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