Tuesday 30 July 2019


KHAYIM-ARN SHUBIN (May 3, 1888?-June 29, 1956)
            He was born in Nevel, Russian empire, the son of Hirsh Shubin.  He attended religious elementary school and yeshiva, and he graduated from a Russian high school in Vitebsk.  In 1912 he settled in Toronto, where he was administrator of a Jewish school and later, until 1934, of a private middle school.  From 1914 he was publishing articles on Jewish community topics, Jewish education, and feature pieces in Idisher zhurnal (Jewish journal in Toronto.  He also contributed to: Dos folk (The people), Der veg (The way), and Keneder odler (Canadian eagle), among other serials.  In book form: Di toyznt gebotn, filozofishe sententsn loyt der tsavoe fun lord teylor (The 1,000 commandments, philosophical sentences according to the will of Lord Taylor) (Toronto, 1939), 170 pp.  He died in Montreal.

Sources: Benypmen-Gutel Zak, in Keneder odler (Montreal) (June 30, 1956); archive of the Jewish Public Library in Montreal.
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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