Saturday 2 March 2019


ZISHE KATS (1892-July 3, 1940)
            He was an actor, born in Lodz and the brother of Pinye Kats.  He acted and directed theater.  He also engaged in writing.  In 1918 he published a travel letter in Haynt (Today) in Warsaw.  In 1922 he published in Forverts (Forward) in New York a lengthy series entitled “Kuryozn un mayses fun altn yidishn teater in tsarishn rusland” (Curiosities and stories of the old Yiddish theater in Tsarist Russia).  He also published humorous poems, some of which under the pen name Aleksander Ziskind, in Parizer bleter (Parisian leaves), Riga’s daily newspaper Folk (People) (1920-1924), Warsaw’s Ilustrirte vokh (Illustrated week), and Lodz’s Teater un kunst (Theater and art).  For a short time he edited a weekly newspaper Der teater letz (The theater clown).  In 1924 he served as co-editor of Yidishe bine (Yiddish stage).  He committed suicide under the Soviets in Bialystok.

Source: Zalmen Zilbertsvayg, Leksikon fun yidishn teater (Handbook of the Yiddish theater), vol. 5 (Mexico City, 1966).
Berl Cohen

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