Wednesday 27 March 2019


AVROM KIHN (1883-March 30, 1967)
            He was born in Berdichev.  He was active in the Kultur-lige (Culture league) and later in Berlin’s Klal Publishers, which published books by Yiddish writers.  In 1913 he published in Berdichev’s Di folks-shtime (The voice of the people).  As editorial board secretary, he helped to publish Algemeyne entsiklopedye (General encyclopedia) (Paris-New York, 1934-1966), co-edited Vitebsk, amol (Vitebsk, once upon a time) (New York, 1956), 644 pp., and from 1957 he was actual co-editor of Afn shvel (At the threshold) (New York and Mexico City).

Source: A. Menes, in Forverts (New York) (May 17, 1967).
Berl Cohen

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