Tuesday 19 March 2019


FROYM KUPFER (b. 1905)
            He was born in Proshovits (Proszowice), Kelts (Kielce) district.  He came from a rabbinical family.  He attended religious elementary school and yeshivas, later turning to general subject matter and studying history at Lodz University.  During WWII he was in Bialystok and Soviet camps.  From 1945 he was in Lower Silesia, from 1947 in Warsaw, and 1957 in Israel.  He published historical works in Polish and a great deal of Yiddish journalism in: Bleter far geshikhte (Pages for history) in Warsaw, also its co-editor; Dos naye lebn (The new life) in Lodz and Warsaw; Naye kultur (New culture); and Di goldene keyt (The golden chain) in Tel Aviv; among others.  In book form: Ber mayzels, zayn onteyl in di kamfn far der frayhayt fun poylishn folk un der glaykhbarekhtiḳung fun di yidn (Ber Meyzels, his role in the struggles for the freedom of the Polish people and equal rights for the Jews) (Warsaw: Yidish-bukh, 1952), 231 pp.
Ruvn Goldberg

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