Monday 4 March 2019


PINKHES KATS (KATZ) (1891-1942)
            He was a humorist, born in Lodz.  In 1909 he settled in Warsaw.  From 1911 he was publishing humorous verse in Erev-shabes (Friday night), Moment (Moment), Lodzer morgenblat (Lodz morning newspaper), and Haynt (Today).  He also began publishing poetry and images under the pen names Pinkats and P. K.  Over the years 1915-1923, he edited the humor division of Haynt, using the pen name Pinkus.  He contributed as well to Forverts (Forward) (1920-1924).  He edited the humor newspaper Der mekhabl (The demon) from issue 19 (1919) until issue 4 (1924); and from 1926 he was editing the weekly Der blofer (The bluffer).  In Warsaw he published the weekly Velt-kuryer (World courier) (3 issues, 1924) and Velt-ekspres (World express) (1926).  He was as well an editorial board contributor to Varshever radyo (Warsaw radio) which was founded in 1935 and the evening edition of Moment.  He died in Russia.

Sources: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 3; Ruvn Feldshuh, ed., Yidisher gezelshaftlekher leksikon (Jewish communal handbook) (Warsaw, 1939); Yidishe shriftn (Lodz) (1946); B. Kutsher, Geven amol varshe (As Warsaw once was) (Paris, 1955), see index; Y. Papyernikov, Heymishe un noente, demonungen (Familiar and close at hand, remembrances) (Tel Aviv: Perets Publ., 1958), pp. 258-59; Itonut yehudit shehayta (Jewish press that was) (Tel Aviv, 1973), see index.
Yekhezkl Liefshits

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