Sunday 1 October 2017


NAKHMEN MAYZIL (January 16, 1887-April 28, 1966)
            He was born on an estate near Kiev, Ukraine.  On his father’s side, he descended from the rabbinical Mayzlish family in Galicia, and on his mother’s side from glass manufacturers in Kiev.  Until age seventeen he studied in his father’s house with itinerant teachers and tutors.  Early on he began reading books, initially in Hebrew and Russian and later in Yiddish as well.  He began writing at age sixteen.  He debuted in print with “Maase bishelosha talmidim mirabeinu tam” (Story of three pupils of Rabeinu Tam) in Y. B. Levner’s Haḥaim vehateva (Life and nature) (Vilna, 1905), and later he wrote other popular tales in Hebrew and published them in Haperaḥim (The fruits) (Lugansk, 1906-1907) and in Krinski’s children magazine Hashaḥar (The dawn) in Warsaw (1906-1909).  In Yisroel-Khayim Zagorodski and Dovid Frishman’s daily newspaper Hayom (Today) in Warsaw (1906), he published a series of articles entitled “Bisfat haam” (In one’s mother tongue); and in Had hazman (Echo of the times) in Vilna (1907), he published “Shtei reshuot” (Two possessions), treatments of Sholem Asch, A. A. Kabak, and Y. Z. Libuntin, and a series entitled “Haromanim” (The novels), concerning the novels of Y. Fikhman, Brener, and others.  His literary activities in Yiddish began with his critique of Dovid Bergelson’s Arum vokzal (At the depot) which he titled “Bamerkungen fun a lezer” (Notes of a reader) in Der idisher almanakh (The Jewish almanac) in Kiev (1909), pp. 93-104.  In 1911, together with M. Levitan and Sh. Dobin, he founded the Demyevker School with Yiddish as the language of instruction.  Over the years 1912-1914, he managed the Kunst farlag (Art Publishers) in Kiev, which brought out the work of Der Nister, A. Y. Anokhi, Yisroel Rabinovitsh, and Nakhmen Mayzil’s own first booklets in Yiddish: Der vunder-foygl (The wonder bird) and A mayse mit dray talmidim (A story with three students), among others, and his first critical writings, such as Dovid bergelsons “Nokh alemen” (Dovid Bergelson’s When all is said and done) (Kiev, 1912), second printing (1914), 56 pp.  For the anthology Fun tsayt tsu tsayt (From time to time) (Kiev) 1 and 2 (1912), he wrote the critical essays: “Der yidisher inteligent bay y. kh. brener” (The Jewish intellectual, Y. Kh. Brener) and “Gerekhte umtsufridnkeyt” (Proper dissatisfaction) on the types of Jewish intellectuals in the works of Nomberg, Anokhi, Shneur, Shofman, and others.  Over the years 1912-1914, he was a contributor and, for a time, co-editor of Di idishe velt (The Jewish world) in St. Petersburg and Vilna, in which he published on Uri-Nisn Gnesin, Ber Borokhov, and others.  He passed the years of WWI in Perm, in the Ural Mountains, where he worked in a military factory, while at the same time publishing translations from Yiddish literature in a local Russian newspaper.  After the February-March Revolution (1917) in Russia, he returned to Kiev, was a cofounder of the “Kiever farlag” (Kiev Publishers) which brought out over 100 Yiddish books, among them Mayzil’s own Kh. n. byalik, di vegn un shafung (Ḥ. N. Bialik, his ways and work) (Kiev, 1917), 48 pp., second printing (Warsaw, 1921), third printing (1934), 64 pp., reprinted (Kibbutz Alonim, 1976), 48 pp., and Di yidishe poezye in amerike (Yiddish poetry in America) (Kiev, 1917), 30 pp.  At that time he also placed work in: the anthology Tsum 2tn yortsayt fun y. l. perets (On the second anniversary of the death of Y. L. Perets) (Kiev, 1917); Dos fraye vort (The free word) in Kiev (1918); the collection Sholem-aleykhem, tsum 3tn yortsayt (Sholem Aleichem, on the third anniversary of his death) (Kiev, 1919); and the monthly Baginen (Dawn) in Kiev (1919); among others.  He was a member of the central committee and the executive office of Kultur-lige (Culture league), as well as manager of the latter’s publishing house.  He was co-editor, together with A. Litvak, of: the five issues of Bikher-velt (Book world) in Kiev (1919-1920); Royter pinkes (Red records) in Kiev, vol. 1 (1920), reissued in Warsaw (1921), in which he published the essays “Leyzer tsukerman” (Leyzer Tsukerman), pp. 92-112, and “Der ershter yidisher sotsyalistisher farayn in London” (The first Jewish socialist association in London), pp. 195-206.  In Royter pinkes (Warsaw) 2 (1923), he published “Tsvey briv fun arn zundelevitsh” (Two letters from Arn Zundelevitsh).  During the typhus epidemic in Ukraine, he revised and published the popular pamphlet, Vos iz azoyns flek-tifus un vi farhit men zikh fun ir? (What is typhus and how does one stave it off?) (Kiev, 1920), 16 pp.  In early 1921 he arrived in Warsaw and (together with M. Zilberfarb, Yoysef Leshtshinski, Z. Melamed, Kh. Sh. Kazdan, and B. Aysurovitsh) established the organization and publishing house “Kultur-lige” in Warsaw.  From 1921 he wrote for the following Warsaw publications: Folkstsaytung (People’s newspaper), Haynt (Today), Arbeter-tsaytung (Workers’ newspaper), Arbeter-velt (Workers’ world), Dos vort (The word), Nasz Przegląd (Our overview), Landkentenish (Lay of the land)—in which he published “Zakopane in der yidisher literatur” (Zakopane in Yiddish literature)—Ringen (Links), and Bikher-velt (1923-1924).  Together with Y. Y. Zinger (I. J. Singer), Perets Markish, and Meylekh Ravitsh, in April 1924 he founded—and from 1925 to the end of 1938, he edited—the Warsaw-based Literarishe bleter (Literary leaves), in which, among other items, he published annual reports on the state of Yiddish literature.  Over the years 1925-1938, he was connected with B. Kletskin Publishers (in Vilna and Warsaw), for which he edited a series of literary publications, as well as with the revived Yidishe velt (Jewish world)—nine issues (1928).  In Landoy-bukh (Landau book) (Vilna, 1926), he published a portion of his longer work, “Perets un sholem-aleykhem) (Perets and Sholem Aleichem).  In addition to those works mentioned above, at various times he contributed work to: Dos folk (The people) in Kiev (1907); Der nayer veg (The new road) in Vilna (1907-1909); Der fraynd (The friend) in St. Petersburg and Warsaw (1908-1912); Dos leben (The life) in Warsaw (1913-1914); Gut-morgn (Good morning) in Odessa (1913); Gut morgn—sholem-aleykhem (Good morning, how are you?) in Odessa (1914); Vilner tog (Vilna day); Folksblat (People’s newspaper) in Kovno; Dos folk and Frimorgn (Morning) in Riga; Lubliner togblat (Lublin daily newspaper); Nayer folkblat (New people’s newspaper) in Lodz; Unzer lebn (Our life) in Grodno; Dos naye leben (The new life) in Bialystok; Davar (Word) in Tel Aviv (until 1936); Chwila (Moment) in Lemberg; and Parizer haynt (Paris today), Di naye prese (The new press), and Arbeter vort (Workers’ word) in Paris; among others.  Over the years 1931-1934, he contributed work to Forverts (Forward) in New York, in which, aside from literary articles and correspondence pieces, he also published the series “Gevezene yidishe milyonern” (Former Jewish millionaires).  For Yivo-bleter (Pages from YIVO) in Vilna, he wrote—among other things—on the letters of Sholem Aleichem and A. Goldfaden to Yankev Dinezon.  In 1936, for the first time, he visited the land of Israel and went on to publish in Haynt in Warsaw impressions of Israel, which were later included in his volume Teg un nekht in eymek (Days and nights in Emek) (Warsaw, 1937), 124 pp., with maps.  He left Poland in the summer of 1937 and was one of the principal leaders of the World Jewish Culture Congress in Paris.  From December 1937 he was in the United States.  He was one of the leading figures in the left-leaning Jewish Cultural Association (IKUF) in America and editor of the monthly Yidishe kultur (Jewish culture) in New York.  With the founding of the state of Israel, he visited on five occasions, and in 1961 he delivered a speech in Yiddish, “Der kiever period in der yidisher literatur” (The Kiev period in Yiddish literature), at the third world congress of Jewish scholars in Jerusalem.  From late 1937 he contributed work to: Idisher gezelshaftlikher leksikon (Jewish communal handbook) (Warsaw); Di tsukunft (The future), Opatoshu and Leivick’s Zamlbikher (Anthologies), Morgn-frayhayt (Morning freedom), Oyfkum (Arise), Nay-land (New land), and Zamlungen (Collections)—in New York; Yung-shikago (Young Chicago) and Kultur (Culture) in Chicago; Keneder odler (Canadian eagle) in Montreal; Vokhnblat (Weekly newspaper) in Toronto; Parizer tsaytshrift (Parisian periodical) and other serials in Paris; Yidishe shriftn (Yiddish writings), Dos naye lebn (The new life), and Folksshtime (Voice of the people) in Warsaw; Eynikeyt (Unity) in Moscow; Di prese (The press), Idishe tsaytung (Jewish newspaper), and Ikuf-bleter (Pages from IKUF) in Buenos Aires; Dorem-afrike (South Africa) in Johannesburg; Nayvelt (New world), Yisroel-shtime (Voice of Israel), Folksblat, Letste nayes (Latest news), and the Hebrew-language Al hamishmar (On guard), Maariv (Evening), and Lemerḥav (Into the open)—in the state of Israel.  In Pinkes varshe (Records of Warsaw) (Buenos Aires, 1955), he published the essays “Mortkhe anilevitsh” (Mordechai Anielewicz), pp. 1129-44, and “D״r e. ringelblum” (Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum), pp. 1173-88.  In 1955 he was the first of the leftist writers’ group to come out publicly against the murder of Yiddish writers and Yiddish culture in Soviet Russia.  He wrote a great number of prefaces, essays, and bio-bibliographies to the works of various writers, such as: A. Vayter’s Baym shaman (With the shaman) (Kiev, 1920); M. Gorky’s Dos lebn fun klim samgin (The life of Klim Sangin), Yiddish translation by M. Neydin (Warsaw, 1928); H. Leivick’s Abelar un heloiz (Abelard and Heloise) (Warsaw, 1936); M. Goldshteyn’s Birobidzhaner afn amur, dertseylung (A man from Birobidzhan on the Amur River, a story) (New York, 1944); Dr. Chaim Zhitlovsky’s Yid un mentsh (Jew and person), vols. 1 and 2 (New York, 1945); Zhitlovsky’s Vizye un gedank (Vision and thought) (New York, 1951); Zhitlovsky’s Mayne “ani maamins” un andere ophandlungen (My “credos” and other treatises) (New York, 1953); Kalmen Marmor’s Yankev gordin (Yankev Gordin) (New York, 1953), to which he also added a bibliography, “Yankev godin af rusish, poylish un hebreish” (Yankev Gordin in Russian, Polish, and Russian); Marmor’s two-volume Mayn lebns-geshikhte (My life story) (New York, 1959); Ruvn Brainin’s Fun mayn lebns-veg (From my path in life) (New York, 1946), and he edited the collection Tsum hundertstn geboyrntog fun ruvn braynin (On the 100th birthday of Ruvn Brainin) (New York, 1962) which carried Mayzil’s preface “Ruvn braynin un d״r khayim zhitlovski” (Ruvn Brainin and Dr. Chaim Zhitlovsky); Aleksander Granakh’s Ot geyt a mentsh (There goes a man) (New York, 1946); M. Berdyczewski’s Yudishe ksovim fun a vaytn korev (Yiddish writings from a distant relative) (New York, 1948), with an introduction “M. y. berditshevski un zayn dor” (M. Y. Berdyczewski and his generation); Hirsh Glik’s Lider un poemes (Poetry) (New york, 1950), with an introduction “Hirsh glik, zayn lebn un shafn” (Hirsh Glik, his life and work), pp. 11-40; the foreword to Dovid Bergelson’s Opgang (Sewage) (New York, 1955) and added bio-bibliographic dates to the two-volume Kitve david bergelson (The writings of David Bergelson) (Meravya, 1962); and to the following anthologies: Tsum hundertstn geboyrntog fun shimen frug (On the 100th birthday of Shimen Frug) (New York, 1960); Tsum hundertstn geboyrntog fun sh. dubnov (On the 100th birthday of Sh. Dubnov) (New York, 1961); Tsum hundertstn geboyrntog fun moris rozenfeld (On the 100th birthday of Morris Rozenfeld) (New York, 1962); and many others.  From Russian to Yiddish, Mayzil translated the following: Professor V. A. Taliyev’s Tsharlz darṿin, vos hot er oyfgeton far der menshhayt? (Charles Darwin, what did he accomplish for mankind?) (Kiev, 1920), 36 pp.; L. Andreev’s drama, Yude ish-kries (Judas Iscariot [original: Iuda Iskariot]) (Vilna, 1924), 95 pp.; Ilya Erenberg’s Der krig un der shrayber (The war and the writer) (New York, 1944), 30 pp.; M. Gorky’s Vi ikh hob zikh gelernt shraybn (How I learned to write) (New York, 1959), 60 pp. (in 1920 he had translated Gorky’s V. lenin [V. Lenin], Kiev, 16 pp.); stories by Isaac Babel, B. Pilnyak, and others.  From 1938, in addition to Yidishe kultur in New York, he edited: the almanac Af naye vegn (On new roads) (New York, 1949); the anthology Amerike in yidishn vort (America in the Yiddish word) (New York, 1955); Dos mendele-bukh (The volume for Mendele) (New York, 1959), in which, among other items, he published “Mendele moykher-sforim un zayne briv” (Mendele Moykher-Sforim and his letters); Ikuf-almanakh (IKUF [Jewish Cultural Association] almanac) (New York, 1961), in which he also published “Amerike in di verk fun sholem ash” (America in the works of Sholem Asch), pp. 174-216, “Sh. frug in likht fun der yidisher Kritik” (Sh. Frug in light of Yiddish criticism), pp. 337-58, “Tsu der geshikhte fun alveltlikhn yidishn kultur-kongres” [Paris, 1937] (On the history of the World Jewish Culture Congress [Paris, 1937]), pp. 494-531, and a biographical list of almost 1000 Yiddish writers in the United States; and IKUF almanakh—1963 (IKUF almanac for 1963), in which he published “Moris rozenfeld in shpigl fun der kritik” (Morris Rozenfeld in the mirror of criticism) and “Dovid bergelson un zayne dramatishe verk” (Dovid Bergelson and his dramatic works); among others.  He published countless articles on Yiddish, Hebrew, and European writers, on theater, and on cultural issues.  He devoted many years of work to the history and bibliography of modern Yiddish literature, and he compiled a wealth of materials on Y. L. Perets.  He was a devoted leader of YIVO and for many years a member of its central administration.
            Mayzil’s writings in book form: Noente un vayte (Near and far), essays and critical articles on writers and books, vol. 1 (Warsaw: Kultur-lige, 1926), 240 pp., vol. 2 (Warsaw: Kultur-lige, 1926), 260 pp., second printing (Warsaw, 1927-1928); Peretses briv un redes (Perets’s letters and speeches) (Warsaw, 1929), 302 pp., second enlarged edition (New York, 1944), 415 pp.; Sholem ash, zayn lebn un shafn (Sholem Asch, his life and work) (Warsaw, 1931), 240 pp., second enlarged edition (New York, 1945), 368 pp.; assisted in the collection and publication of the 22-volume Ale verk fun Mendele moykher sforim (Collected works of Mendele Moykher-Sforim) (Warsaw, 1928-1932), for which he wrote, edited, and collected Zikhroynes vegn mendelen (Memoirs about Mendele), vol. 20, 148 pp., Mayses vegn mendelen (Stories about Mendele), vol. 21, 219 pp., and Der mendele-turem (The Mendele tower), vol. 22, 248 pp.; Borekh shpinoza (Baruch Spinoza), biographical traits on his 300th birthday (Warsaw, n.d.), 32 pp.; Arn-shmuel liberman, der ershter yidisher sotsyalist (Aaron Shmuel Liberman, the first Jewish socialist) (Warsaw, 1934), 64 pp.; Avrom goldfaden, der foter fun yidishn teater (Avrom Goldfaden, the father of Yiddish theater) (Warsaw, 1935), 62 pp., second edition (New York, 1944); Mendele moykher sforim, sholem-yankev abramovitsh (Mendele Moykher-Sforim, Sholem-Yankev Abramovitsh) (Warsaw, 1936), 61 pp.; Af unzer kultur-front, problemen fun literatur un kultur-shafn (On our cultural front, issues for literature and cultural work) (Warsaw, 1936), 331 pp.; Yoysef opatoshu, zayn lebn un shafn (Yoysef Opatoshu, his life and work) (Warsaw, 1937), 192 pp.; Der koyekh fun yidish  (The power of Yiddish) (New York, 1939), 31 pp.; Sholem-aleykhem, tsu zayn 80stn geboyrntog (Sholem Aleichem, on his eightieth birthday) (New York, 1940), 48 pp.; Uriel akosta (Uriel Acosta) (New York, 1940), 32 pp.; Doyres un tkufes in der yidisher literatur, bletlekh tsu der geshikhte un tsu der kharakteristik fun der yidisher literatur (Generations and eras in Yiddish literature, on the history and the character of Yiddish literature) (New York, 1942), 96 + 11 pp.; Perets markish, der dikhter un prozaiker, finf un tsvantsik yor shafn (Perets Markish, the poet and prose writers, twenty-five years of his writings) (Toronto, 1942), 24 pp.; Ayzik-meyer dik, tsu zayn fuftsikstn yortsayt (Ayzik-Meyer Dik, on the fiftieth anniversary of his death) (New York, 1943), 29 pp.; D״r khayim zhitlovski (Dr. Chaim Zhitlovsky) (New York, 1943), 29 pp., also included in the collection Kegn di onfaler af khayim zhitlovski (Against Chaim Zhitlovsky’s assailants) (New York, 1944), 112 pp.; Forgeyer un mittsaytler (Forerunner and contemporary) (New York, 1946), 431 pp.; Tsvishn khurbn un oyfboy, bagegenishn, ayndrukn un batrakhtungen, fun a rayze iber eyrope un erets-yisroel (Between destruction and reconstruction, encounters, impressions, and considerations from a trip through Europe and the land of Israel) (New York, 1947), 382 pp.; Geven amol a lebn, dos yidishe kultur-lebn in poyln tsvishn beyde velt-milkhomes (There was once a life, Jewish cultural life in Poland between the two world wars) (Buenos Aires, 1951), 392 pp.; Yitskhok-leybush perets un zayn dor shrayber (Yitskhok-Leybush Perets and his generation of writers), with a short anthology of poems to and about Y. L. Perets and a Perets bibliography (New York, 1951), 404 pp., also published in Hebrew translation by Mordekhai Ḥalamish (Tel Aviv, 1960), 440 pp.; Yidishe tematik un yidishe melodyes, bay bavuste muziker, notitsn un materyaln (Yiddish themes and Yiddish melodies with well-known musicians, notes and materials) (New York, 1952), 96 pp.; Noente un eygene, fun yankev dinezon biz hirsh glik (Near and one’s own, from Yankev Dinezon to Hirsch Glick) (New York, 1957), 382 pp.; Der nister, zayn lebn un shafn (Der Nister, his life and work) (New York, 1956), 30 pp.; Undzer sholem-aleykhem (Our Sholem Aleichem), on the occasion of the centenary of his birth (Warsaw, 1959), 142 pp.; Dos yidishe shafn un der yidisher shrayber in sovetnfarband (Jewish creation and the Jewish writer in the Soviet Union) (New York, 1959), 316 pp.; Tsurikblikn un perspektivn (Retrospectives and perspectives) (Tel Aviv: Perets Publ., 1962), 545 pp.; Ber borokhov, der goen fun der yidisher filologye (Ber Borochov, genius of Yiddish philology) (New York: IKUF, 1963), 14 pp.; Kegnzaytike hashpoes in velt-shafn (Mutual influences in world creation) (New York: IKUF, 1965), 423 pp.; Dr khayim zhitlovski, tsu zayn hundertstn geboyrnyor, 1865-1965 (Dr. Chaim Zhitlovsky, for the centenary of his birth, 1865-1965) (New York: IKUF, 1965), 127 pp.; Onhoybn, dovid bergelson (Beginnings, Dovid Bergelson) (Kibbutz Alonim, 1979), 50, 54 pp.; Bletlekh zikhroynes (Pages of memories) (Kibbutz Alonim, 1978), 60 pp.  He compiled: Y. l. perets in der yidisher dikhtung (Y. L. Perets in Yiddish poetry) (Tel Aviv: Perets Publ., 1965), 222 pp.  He also edited the 1967 edition of Ikuf-almanakh (Almanac of the Jewish Cultural Association) (New York, 1967), 371 pp.  He was a member of the editorial board “Vaynper-morgenshtern-fond” (Vaynper-Morgenshtern Foundation) with “Sifrut poalim” (Workers’ literature) in Merḥavya, which published works of Yiddish literature in Hebrew translation.  In 1961 he received in New York the Zhitlovsky Prize for lifelong service on behalf of Yiddish literature.  He died in New York.  His son, BERL MAYZIL, served as editor of the Hebrew youth magazine Bemaala (On high) in the state of Israel.

Sources: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 2; Der Lebediker, in Di tsayt (New York) (November 6, 1921); Der Lebediker, in Tog-morgn-zhurnal (New York) (September 12, 1954); Shmuel Niger, in Tog (New York) (October 27, 1929; February 27, 1932; September 26, 1937; October 3, 1948); Niger, in Y. l. perets (Y. L. Perets) (Buenos Aires, 1952), see index; Dr. Y. Shatski, Arkhiv tsu der geshikhte fun yidishn teater un drame (Archive for the history of Yiddish theater and drama) (Vilna, 1930), pp. 479-80; Shatski, in Yivo-bleter (New York) (1946), pp. 171-85, (1952), pp. 261-62; Dr. A. Mukdoni, in Morgn-zhutnal (New York) (February 26, 1932); Mukdoni, In varshe un in lodzh (In Warsaw and in Lodz) (Buenos Aires, 1955), see index; R. Feldshuh, Yidisher gezelshaftlekher leksikon (Jewish communal handbook) (Warsaw, 1939), p. 7; Sh. Rozhanski, Dos yidishe gedrukte vort in argentina (The published Yiddish word in Argentina) (Buenos Aires, 1941), see index; Y. Mestel, in Yidishe kultur (New York) (February 1946; November 1955; April 1958); Meylekh Ravitsh, Mayn leksikon (My lexicon), vol. 2 (Montreal, 1947), pp. 45-47; Avrom Reyzen, in Di feder (New York (1949), p. 231; B. Mark, in Yidish shriftn (Warsaw) (June-July 1954; January 1956; May 1957); B. Kutsher, Geven amol varshe (As Warsaw once was) (Paris, 1955), see index; M. Kats, in Morgn-frayhayt (New York) (June 4, 1955); Z. Vaynper, in Yidish kultur (December 1955); Vaynper, Shrayber un kinstler (Writers and artists) (New York, 1958), pp. 169-86; Y. Rodak, Kunst un kinstler (Art and artists) (New York, 1955), pp. 197-98; H. Rogof, in Forverts (New York) (December 4, 1955; February 16, 1956); P. Novik, in Yidishe kultur (October 1956); L. Domankevitsh, in Unzer vort (Paris) (January 25, 1956); A. Oyerbakh, Tog-morgn-zhurnal (February 6, 1956); H. Leivick, in Tog-morgn-zhurnal (February 10, 1956); A. Leyeles, in Tog-morgn-zhurnal (February 11, 1956); M. Kalikshteyn, in Idisher kemfer (New York) (February 10, 1956); Y. B. Beylin, in Morgn-frayhayt (March 25, 1956); B. Ts. Goldberg, in Tog-morgn-zhurnal (December 2, 1958); Dr. A. A. Roback, Di imperye yidish (The imperium of Yiddish) (Mexico City, 1958), see index; Y. Zonshayn, in Folksshtime (Warsaw) (August 22, 1959); D. B. Melkin, “Varsha” (Warsaw), in Entsiklopediya shel galiyut (Encyclopedia of the Diaspora) (Tel Aviv, 1959), p. 370; L. Khanukov, Literarishe eseyen (Literary essays) (New York, 1960), pp. 85-95; Dr. M. Vaykhert, in Yoyvl-numer tsukunft (Jubilee issue of Tsukunft) (November-December 1962); Chone Shmeruk, comp., Pirsumim yehudiim babrit-hamoatsot, 1917-1961 (Jewish publications in the Soviet Union, 1917-1961) (Jerusalem, 1961), see index; Yivo-biblyografye (YIVO bibliography), vols. 1 and 2; Biblyografye fun yidishe bikher vegn khurbn un gvure (Bibliography of Yiddish books concerning the Holocaust and heroism) (New York, 1962), see index; Y. A. Rontsh, in Zamlungen (New York) (Winter 1963).
Khayim Leyb Fuks

[Additional information from: Berl Kagan, comp., Leksikon fun yidish-shraybers (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers) (New York, 1986), cols. 371-72.]

1 comment:

  1. NAKHMEN MAYZIL took part in the American Jewish Culture Conference = Amerikaner yidisher kultur-Tsuzamenfor, held in New York 31.10-2.11. 1947. Together with Yankev Mestel he compiled afterwards the materials of this Conference
    אמעריקאנער יידישער קולטור-צוזאמענפאר. אפגעהאלטן דעם 31טן אקטאבער 1טן-2טן נאװעמבער 1947 :
    באריכט, רעפעראטן און רעזאלוציעס
    צונױפגעשטעלט דורך נחמן מײזיל און יעקב מעסטל
    Amerikaner yidisher kultur-tsuzamenfor. Opgehaltn dem 31tn Oktober, 1tn-2tn November, 1947, New-York :
    barikht, referatn un rezolutsies
    tsunoyfgeshtelt durkh Nakhmen Mayzil un Yankev Mestel
    New York : Yikuf farlag, 1948
