Monday 20 February 2017


ISAC LUDO (April 4, 1894-March 25, 1973)
            He was born in Jassy (Iași).  He was a Jewish-Romanian novelist who translated numerous works from Yiddish into Romanian; mostly from Sholem-Aleykhem: Dray zenen mir gezesn (There we sat, three of us) as Stăteam trei la taifas (1925?), 32 pp.; Marienbad (1941), 120 pp.; Der oytser (The treasure) as Comoara (1945); Mister grin hot a dzhob (Mr. Green has a job) (1948, reissued 1950); Motl peysi dem khazns (Motl, son of Peysi the cantor) as Băiatul Motl (The boy Motl) (1949, reissued 1956), 156 pp.; Geklibene verk (Selected works), vol. 1 as Opera alese (1959), 663 pp.; Tevye der milkhiker (Tevye the dairyman) as Tevi lăptarul (1961), 264 pp.; Geklibene verk, vol. 4 as Opera alese (1966), 302 pp.; Menakhem mendl (Menachem Mendl) as Romanul unui om de afaceri (The novel of a businessman) (1970), 368 pp.  All were published in Bucharest.  He also translated: Sh. Anski’s Dibek (Dybbuk) as Dybuck, legendă dramatică în patru acte (Dybbuk, a dramatic legend in four acts) (Bucharest, 1930?), 110 pp.; and Y. Opatoshu, In poylishe velder (In Polish woods) as Păduri poloneze (Polish woods) (Bucharest, 1945), 296 pp.  He died in Bucharest.
Y. Kara

Berl Kagan, comp., Leksikon fun yidish-shraybers (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers) (New York, 1986), col. 324.

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