Sunday 8 March 2015



He was born in Minsk and emigrated to the United States in 1903.  He was a member of the Forverts Association, as well as a union and Workmen’s Circle activist in Philadelphia.  He was a contributor to, editor, and manager of the Philadelphia Forverts publications.  He wrote Dovid braginski un zayn role in der arbeter-bavegung, a kharakter bild un an opshatsung tsu zayn zekhtsik yorikn geburtstog (Dovid Braginski and his role in the labor movement, his character and an appreciation at his sixtieth birthday) (Philadelphia, 1942), 16 pp.  When Berger turned fifty, a Heri berger bukh (Heri Berger [commemorative] volume) was published as “a matone fun fraynd tsu fraynd” (a gift from friends to [a] friend) (Philadelphia, October 1936), 148 pp.

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