Monday 2 May 2016


            He was born in Sasov, eastern Galicia, into a prominent family.  His father, Moyshe Veygler, was for many years head of the Jewish community in the city.  He studied in religious elementary school, synagogue study chamber, and later in a high school in Radevits (Rădăuţi).  Until 1937 he lived in Sasov where he was director of the Jewish savings and loan.  From 1937 he was in Montevideo, Uruguay.  He published a series of articles on Jewish history (concerning the Karaites, Josephus Flavius, and the like) in Folksblat (People’s newspaper) in Montevideo and Der moment (The moment) in São Paulo, among other venues.  He was also a contributor to the Spanish-language Jewish periodical Revista familiar israelita del Uruguay (Jewish family magazine of Uruguay) in Montevideo.

Source: Y. Vaynshenker, Boyers un mitboyers fun yidishn yishev in urugvay ((Founders and builders of the Jewish community in Uruguay) (Montevideo, 1957), pp. 89-90.

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