Wednesday 11 May 2016


LEYZER-PINKHES VAYLER (1896-November 12, 1953)
            He was born in Riga, Latvia.  His father, Shmuel Vayler, was for many years yeshiva headmaster in Riga, Kovno, and later in Israel.  Until 1938 he was living in Riga where he was a cofounder of religious educational institutions and the world association “Shomre Shabbat” (Guardians of the Sabbath).  He traveled to the United States in 1938 on a mission for Latvian Orthodox Jewry and remained there.  He was active in the Lubavitsher yeshiva, in Camp Machaneh Yisrael, and in Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch (Central organization for education).  He was editor of the monthly Der shabes (The Sabbath) (Riga, 1929-1931).  He contributed to the Agudat Yisrael newspaper Dos vort (The word) in Vilna, and other publications.  He also published under the pen names: Y. A., A. V., Pinkhes, and Y. Gefen, among others.  He died in an automobile catastrophe on the road from New York to Chicago.

Source: Tog-morgn zhurnal (New York) (November 13, 1953).

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