Tuesday 4 December 2018


GERSHON FRIDMAN (1892-July 18, 1962)

            He was a translator, born in Minsk, Byelorussia. Until 1919 he was a member of the Bund and a contributor to and a member of the editorial board of the Bundist Der veker (The alarm) (1917-1918). He later became a Communist and was an internal member of the editorial board of Oktyabr (October) in Minsk (1924-1937). In additional to original articles, he published there translations from Russian and Byelorussian literature. He was purged during the mass arrests in 1937 and expelled from the party and exiled. In 1951 he was amnestied, and he returned from exile and settled in Minsk, where he published in the Byelorussian press, as well as in Warsaw’s Folks-shtime (Voice of the people). New translations (from Russian) in book form include: Vladimir Arsenyev, Dersu uzala (Minsk: Byelorussian State Publishers, 1935), 348 pp. He died in Minsk.

Sources: A. Holdes, in Zay greyt (Get ready) (Kharkov) 58 (1935); Dos yidishe bukh in sovetnfarband (The Yiddish book in the Soviet Union) (1935), see index; N. Mayzil, Dos yidishe shafn un der yidisher shrayber in sovetn-farband (Jewish creation and the Jewish writer in the Soviet Union) (New York, 1959), p. 129; Folksshtime (Warsaw) (July 27, 1962).

Khayim Leyb Fuks

[Additional information from: Chaim Beider, Leksikon fun yidishe shrayber in ratn-farband (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers in the Soviet Union), ed. Boris Sandler and Gennady Estraikh (New York: Congress for Jewish Culture, Inc., 2011), p. 299.]


  1. GERSHON FRIDMAN translated from Russian into Yiddish N. Konstantinov's (real name - Bogolyubov, Konstantin Nikolaevitsh) Di karte dertseylt (orig.:Карта рассказывает = A map tells/is telling).- Minsk : Melukhe-farlag fun Vaysrusland, Natssekter, 1936.- 179, [3] pp., ill
    די קארטע דערצײלט
    נ. קאנסטאנטינאװ ; איבערזעצט פונ רוסיש - ג. פרידמאנ ; צײכענונגענ פונ נ. לאפשינ
    Di karte dertseylt
    N. Konstantinov ; iberzetst fun rusish G. Fridman ; tsaykhenungen fun N. Lapshin

  2. GERSHON FRIDMAN together with Hershl Kamenetski translated from Belorussian into Yiddish Yanka Mavr's (real name - F'yodorov Ivan Mikhaylovich) FKT (orig.: СВТ/ТВТ [Товарищество (или Союз) Воинствующих Техников] = The Union of militant technicians).- Minsk : Melukhe-farlag fun Vaysrusland, Natssekter, 1935.- 134, [2] pp., ill
    אדער א דערצײלונג װעגנ דעמ, װי יונגע העלדנ האבנ דערקלערט א בונט קעגנ געװיסע זאכנ אונ האבנ צעטומלט די מױכעס דעמ פעטער דאנילע, דער מומע מאריע, אפילע א מיליציאנער, אונ ענדלעכ, דער גאנצער װעלט; װי זײ האבנ זיכ אױסגעלערנט זענ דאס, װאס אנדערע זעענ ניט, אונ װי ציבוק פלעגט געװינענ אױגנ
    יא. מאור ; הילע אונ צײכענונגענ - קינסטלער מ. זשיטליצקי ; ײדיש - ה. קאמענעצקי אונ ג. פרידמאנ
    oder a dertseylung vegn dem, vi yunge heldern hobn derklert a bunt kegn gevise zakhn un hobn tsetumlt di moykhes dem feter Danile, der mume Marie, afile a militsioner, un endlekh, der gantser velt; vi zey hobn zikh oysgelernt zen dos, vos andere zeen nit, un vi Tsibuk flegt gevinen oygn
    Ya. Maur ; hile un tsaykhenungen - kinstler M. Zhitnitski ; iberzetst fun vaysrusish - H. Kamenetski un G. Fridman
