Tuesday 27 August 2019


            He was a co-author or translator of a number of textbooks of natural science, botany, and biology: Arbetbukh af naturvisnshaft, erster teyl, materyaln fun landvirtshaft (Natural science workbook, part 1, materials on agriculture) (Kiev: Kultur-lige, 1926), 300 pp.; Arbetbukh af naturvisnshaft, ershter teyl, farn lerer, metodishe un tekhnishe onvayzungen, naturvisnshaftlekhe terminologye (Natural science workbook, part 1, for the teacher, methods and technical guides, natural science terminology) (Kiev: Kultur-lige, 1926), 107 pp.; Arbetbukh af naturvisnshaft, tsveyter teyl, materyaln fun der industrye, mos un vog, boymateryaln (Natural science workbook, part 2, materials on industry, weights and measures, construction materials) (Kiev: Kultur-lige, 1926), 164 pp.; trans. (with L. Prusman) of B. Ignatiev and S. Lebedyev, Bashtimer fun beymer, un misṭgrozn (Trimmer of trees and weeds) (Kiev: Kultur-lige, 1926), 44 pp.; trans. of Oleksandr Sokolovs’kyi, Botanik, hantbikhl far tsveytn kontsenter fun arbetshul (Botany, handbook for the second group work school) (Kiev: Central Publ., 1928), 276 pp.; trans. (with Y. Burtyanski and L. Prusman) of B. V. Vsesviatskii, Botanik, lernbukh far mitlshul IV-V (Botany, textbook for middle school, IV-V) (Kharkov-Kiev, 1933). 

Berl Kagan, comp., Leksikon fun yidish-shraybers (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers) (New York, 1986), cols. 555-56.

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