Sunday 13 August 2017


            He hailed from Riga, Latvia.  He was knowledgeable of languages, and between the two world wars he was a speaker for the press division of the Latvian foreign ministry.  He contributed to the Riga Yiddish daily newspaper Frimorgn (Morning) and was the author of a series of Yiddish-language guides to Latvia which the Latvian government published for Jewish tourists from other countries.  These books were: Letland, ir kultur, ekonomik, melukhe-ordenung, politik, gezelshaftlekhkeyt, kurortn (Latvia, its culture, economy, arrangement of state, politics, society, resorts) (Riga: Press division of the Latvian foreign ministry, 1929), 128 pp.; Ilustrirter firer durkh letland (Illustrated guide through Latvia) (Riga: Alef, 1932), 82 pp.; 15 yor letland, 1918-1933, grindung un antviklung fun der republic (Fifteen years of Latvia, 1918-1933, founding and development of the republic) (Riga: Alef, 1933), 80 pp.; Latvye un ire kurortn (Latvia and its resorts) (Riga: Livonya, 1933), 80 pp.; Dos naye letland, politishe, ekonomishe un kulturele oyflebung (The new Latvia, political, economic, and cultural revival) (Riga: Livonya, 1934), 88 pp.  His fate since WWII remains unknown.

Sources: M. Gerts, in Morgn-zhurnal (New York) (February 29, 1932); Gerts, 25 yor yidishe prese in letland (25 years of the Yiddish press in Latvia) (Riga, 1933); Yahadut latviya (Judaism in Latvia) (Tel Aviv, 1953); in the chronology in Literarishe bleter (Warsaw) (September 1, 1933); Yivo-bleter (Vilna) 6.1.
Zaynvl Diamant

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