Wednesday 21 June 2017


            “Sore” (Sara) was a pseudonym; the writer’s proper first name remains unknown.  He was born in Radom, Poland, graduated from a Russian high school, and studied foreign languages.  For a time he belonged to the Labor Zionists.  He was a teacher in Warsaw.  He translated into Yiddish: Nikolai Bukharin, Di teorye fun historishn materyalizm (The theory of historical materialism [original: Teorii︠a︡ istoricheskogo materializma]) (Warsaw: M. Yeruḥamzon, 1925), 80 pp. (a second fuller edition in two volumes—650 pp.—appeared in Warsaw in 1927); H. G. Wells, Velt-geshikhte (World history [original: The Outline of History]), part 1 “Biz kristusn” (Until Christ), part 2 “Biz 1923 y.” (Until the year 1923) (Warsaw: Yeruḥamzon, 1927), 242 pp.; Sigmund Freud, Di psikhologye fun di masn un der analiz fun mentshlekhn ikh (Group psychology and the analysis of the ego [original: Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse]) (Warsaw: Yeruḥamzon, 1928), 220 pp.  Lerman was the author of English far ale (English for everyone), “grammar, readings, expressions, dictionary” (Warsaw, 1928), 159 pp., second edition (Warsaw, 1936); and Der sholem iz badrot (Peace is threatened) (Warsaw, 1936), 24 pp.  He died in the Nazi massacres in Poland.
Benyomen Elis

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