Wednesday 28 June 2017


            He hailed from Posen.  He lived later in Breslau and Königsberg, Germany.  He was the author of religious texts in Judeo-German: Kol nehi (The sound of lamentation), “the Scroll of Lamentation and the legends that were connected to Tisha b’Av” (Breslau, 1829), 116 pp.; Yehudis khanike (Judith and Hanukkah), “recast according to various sources” (Königsberg, 1833), 92 pp.; Blumen tsu shmeken dos naye yohr (Flowers to smell the new year), “liturgical hymn, translations into Yiddish” (Berlin, 1834), 30 pp.; Khurbn beysamigdesh (The destruction of the Temple), “drenched in tears for Zion, Jerusalem: for Tish b’Av, drawn from Talmud [Tractate] Gittin” (Berlin, 1835), 32 pp.; Yankevs ankunft in egipten (Jacob’s arrival in Egypt), “dramatic images according to midrashim” (Breslau, 1938), 52 pp.; Moyshe rabeynu (Moses, our teacher), “a shortened story according to the Torah and midrash” (Hannover, 1839), 16 pp.

Sources: Bet eked sefarim; according to materials from Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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