Monday 8 January 2018


AVROM NAKHTOMI (August 14, 1900-January 12, 1978)
            He was born in the village of Volye (Wola), near Lukov (Maciejów), Shedlets (Siedlce) region, Poland.  When still young, he moved with his parents to Kotsk.  He studied in religious elementary school, with his grandfather, and in the synagogue study hall, and secular subject matter he acquired on his own.  For a time he lived in Warsaw where he was active in the Zionist socialist and pioneer movement.  From 1923 he was living in Israel, first in Tel Aviv and later in various kibbutzim.  He was cofounder of the Hebrew-language, workers’ theater Ohel (Tent), with which he remained connected for many years.  He began writing for Bafrayung (Liberation) in Warsaw (1919), later contributing to: Bafrayung-arbayter shtime (Liberation-voice of laborers) in Warsaw; in Israel, he placed articles on theater and art in: Davar (Word), Hapoel hatsair (The young worker), and other serials.  In book form: In shotn fun doyres, kindhayt (In the shadow of generation, childhood) (Buenos Aires, 1948), 191 pp.  He translated his book into Hebrew as: Betsel hadorot, with a dedication to his friend, the Hebrew poet Shimon Halkin (Tel Aviv, 1940), 214 pp.  He died in Ḥadara, Israel.

Source: Who Is Who in World Jewry (New York, 1955).
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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