Monday 19 January 2015


MALYE BEYLIN (b. ca. 1900)
Born in the town of Ozorków, near Wieluń, Poland, she was the daughter of the local rabbi.  She graduated secondary school, and married a Hassidic youngster at age sixteen.  She began writing in Polish.  Under the impact of the Lodz group of writers, she switched over to Yiddish.  In 1918 she left her husband and brought her first Yiddish poems to Lodz.  She started publishing in Gezangen (Songs) in Lodz (1919-1920), edited by Hershele.  She later published in S’feld (The field) and Vegn (Paths) in Lodz (1922-1923), edited by Y. Raban and Kh. L. Fuks, respectively, and in Lodzher folksblat (Lodz people’s newspaper), edited by Lazar Kahan, under the pen name “Mali Broyn.”  She wrote humorous sketches, stories, and short impressionistic pieces.  She lived in Lodz until 1925 and there she worked as an educator in private Jewish homes.  Later, she was living in Warsaw.  She published prose in the Warsaw Ekspres (Express) also using the pen name Mali Broyn.  She became sick and for a time she was living in a home for the mentally ill.  Her subsequent career remains unknown.

Source: Ezra Korman, Yidishe dikhterins, antologye (Yiddish women poets, an anthology) (Chicago, 1928).

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