Friday 28 September 2018


Y. L. FAKS (FOX) (b. September 22, 1885)
            The Anglicized named on Y. L. Fuks, he was born in Vilna.  He came to the United States in January 1906.  He later moved to Canada and settled in Sainte Agathe, Quebec.  In 1900 he wrote his first poem and read it at an illegal workers’ meeting in Vilna.  In 1916 he published in Tog (Day) in New York a short occurrence taken from life.  He later published in: Keneder odler (Canadian eagle) in Montreal; Idisher zhurnal (Jewish journal) in Toronto); Di idishe velt (The Jewish world) in Cleveland; Idishe velt in Philadelphia; Arbet (Labor), Folks-zhurnal (People’s journal), and Keneder vokhnblat (Canadian weekly newspaper) in Montreal.
Leyb Vaserman

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