Monday 26 June 2017


YEKHIEL LESHTSH (b. Seotember 17, 1903)
            He was born in Ostrów-Mazowiecka (Ostrov-Mazovyetsk), Poland.  Over the years 1922-1925, he lived in Belgium, later returning to Poland.  He was active in the Zionist movement in Radom.  He was a member of the city council and the Jewish community administration.  Under the Nazis (until 1943), he was confined in the Radom ghetto, later living with Aryan documents in Warsaw.  He spent 1945-1947 in Poland, Vienna, and Linz.  He served on the central committee of the survivors in Austria.  From 1947 he was living in Montevideo, Uruguay, where he was active among the Revisionists, in the Jewish World Congress, vice-president of the Jewish community council, and the like.  He published articles in Rodemer nayes (Radom news) (1925), later served as a contributor to: Rodemer tsaytung (Radom newspaper) (1928-1934), Rodemer shtime (Voice of Radom), Rodemer lebn (Radom life), Keltser-rodemer vokhnblat (Kielce-Radom weekly newspaper).  In Uruguay he placed work in Folksblat (People’s newspaper) and in the Revisionist weekly Der veg (The way), of which he was also co-editor.  He was last living in Montevideo.  (His older brother, YISROEL LESHTSH, was a member of the central committee of the Zionist party in Poland and published articles in Haynt (Today) in Warsaw.  He was killed under the Nazis in Poland.)

Source: Yitskhok Vaynshenker, Boyers un mitboyers fun yidishn yishev in urugvay (Founders and builders of the Jewish community in Uruguay) (Montevideo, 1957), pp. 136-37.
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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