Tuesday 29 March 2016


            He was born in Lodz, Poland, into a well-off family.  He studied at Warsaw University, graduated as a lawyer.  In his student years, he was active among the academic youth of the right Labor Zionists in Lodz and Warsaw.  He lived in Lodz until WWII, escaping to Russia, and until 1944 he lived in the Komi Republic.  He returned to Poland in 1946, became a member of the central committee of the right Labor Zionists and the central committee of Jews in Poland, and assisted in carrying out the unification of the right and left Labor Zionists.  In 1949 he left Poland, lived for a time in Paris, and from 1950 was a resident in the state of Israel where he joined the Communists.  He began writing for the publications of the Labor Zionists in Poland: Nasze Hasło (Our catchword), Dos vort (The word), Unzer vort (Our word), and Bafrayung (Liberation)—in Warsaw.  He also contributed to the postwar Labor Zionist Party press in Poland: Dos vort, Unzer vort, Nasze Słowo (Our word), Dror (Freedom), Arbeter tsaytung (Workers’ newspaper), and Arbeter vort (Workers’ word).  He also placed pieces in: Dos naye lebn (The new life) in Lodz and Warsaw; Nay velt (New world), Lemerḥav (Into the open), Al hamishmar (On guard), and Fray-yisroel (Free Israel)—in Israel; Arbeter vort in Paris; and elsewhere.  He was editor of Dos vort and Nasze Słowo, and coeditor of Arbeter vort in Poland.  He published as well under such pen names: Froym Fish and Froym Harlev.

Source: Khayim Leyb Fuks, in Fun noentn over (New York) 3 (1957), p. 276.

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