Monday 23 January 2017


PINKHES-MOYSHE KATS (MORRIS KATZ) (b. February 28, 1901)
            He was born in Lodz, Poland.  He studied in religious primary school and synagogue study chamber, and he later graduated from school as a dentist.  In 1925 he left Poland, lived for a time in Czechoslovakia, later in Antwerp, Belgium.  In 1940 when the Nazis occupied Belgium, he fled to London and from there in 1950 arrived in the United States.  He published articles in Di yidishe prese (The Jewish press) in Antwerp (1930).  He contributed as well to Unzer yishev (Our community), Belgishe bleter (Belgian leaves), and Dos vort (The word)—in Belgium.  He also placed work in Di tsayt (The times) in London, in which, aside from articles, he also published chapters of his work which later appeared under the title Dentistik, a visnshaftlikhe oyfklerung iber tseyn heylung un kunsttseyn, mit tsitatn fun talmud (Dentistry, a scientific explanation of teeth cures and dentures, with citations from the Talmud) (London, 1943), 48 pp.  He also contributed to Loshn un lebn (Language and life) and Fraye yidishe tribune (Free Jewish tribune) in London.  He was the author of the plays: Dem natsis yidishe tokhter, a lebns-bild in dray aktn mit prolog un epilog (The Nazi’s Jewish daughter, a biography in three acts with a prologue and an epilogue) (London, 1947), 106 pp., which was staged in the Yiddish theater in Buenos Aires and elsewhere; and Der mishpet, a drame in 3 aktn fun frantsoyzish-yidish lebn (The judgment, a drama in three acts from French-Jewish life) (London, 1949), 100 pp.  He was last living in New York.

Sources: M. Meyer, in Di tsayt (London) (October 12, 1943); Sh. R., in Idishe tsaytung (Buenos Aires) (September 16, 1945); T. Beylin, in Di prese (Buenos Aires) (September 18, 1945); Sh. L. Kreditor, in Loshn un lebn (London) (October 1947); A. Bergman, in Idishe prese (Rio de Janeiro) (January 7, 1948); Dr. D. Artsi, in Zionist Review (London) (July 6, 1949).
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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