Sunday 5 May 2019



            He was a Soviet Yiddish journalist, editor, and literary scholar. He debuted in print with an essay entitled “Afn shvel fun proletarisher kunst” (At the threshold of proletarian art) in the anthology Trep (Steps) (Ekaterinoslav: Kultur-lige, 1921). He went on to contribute to periodicals and edited literary anthologies. He was active until the latter half of the 1930s, after which his fate remains unknown. His work appeared in such serial publications as: Sovetish (Soviet), Forpost (Outpost), and Heymland (Homeland) (1948), among others. He edited: Froyen, literarishe zamlung (Women, literary collection) (Moscow: Central People’s Publishers, USSR, 1928), 181 pp.; Der arbeter in der yidisher literatur, literarishe zamlung (The worker in Yiddish literature, literary collection) (Moscow: Central People’s Publishers, USSR, 1931), 248 pp.; and Af barikadn, revolutsyonere shlakhtn in der opshpiglung fun der kinstlerisher literatur (At the barricades, revolutionary battles in the lens of artistic literature) (Kharkov: Central Publishers, 1930), 303 pp., with Shmuel Godiner. His books include: Groyser mir (Great peace) (Ekaterinoslav: Visnshaft, 1921), 16 pp.; Bafrayte arbet (Liberated labor), a community literary teacher (Kiev: Tshernovy shlyakh, 1924), 347 pp.; Bronzene proletariat (Bronzed proletariat) (Moscow: Emes, 1934), 174 pp.

Berl Cohen

[Additional information from: Chaim Beider, Leksikon fun yidishe shrayber in ratn-farband (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers in the Soviet Union), ed. Boris Sandler and Gennady Estraikh (New York: Congress for Jewish Culture, Inc., 2011), p. 345.]

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