Thursday 16 May 2019


NISN ROZENTAL (1898-December 9, 1970)
            The husband of Esther Rozental, he was born in Vilna.  He received a traditional Jewish education and pedagogical training.  He was active in secular Jewish school in Lithuania.  He served as vice-chairman of the city council in Žagarė, Lithuania.  He was arrested for illegal political work.  He fled to Riga and from there in 1935 to Birobidzhan.  From 1958 he was in Poland and from 1962 in Israel.  He published stories for children in the Soviet Yiddish youth press.  He sent articles from postwar Poland (under pseudonyms) to the Israeli press on Jewish life in the Soviet Union.  He published in: Nayerd (Raw earth) in Riga, edited by M. Shats-Anin, Davar (Word), Hatsofe (The spectator), Folk un tsien (People and Zion), Unzer tsayt (Our time) in Paris, and Di idishe tsaytung (The Jewish newspaper) in Buenos Aires.  In book form: Yidish lebn in ratnfarband (Jewish life in the Soviet Union) (Tel Aviv: Perets Publ., 1971), 503 pp.  Among his pen names: A. Ben-Dovid, Er-El, and Z. Emilin.  He died in Jerusalem.

Sources: Di goldene keyt (Tel Aviv) 72 (1971), p. 260; Shmuel Kants, in Letste nayes (Tel Aviv) (January 8, 1971); Di prese (Buenos Aires) (January 21, 1971); Nosn Ek, in Tsukunft (New York) (April 1973).
Dr. Noyekh Gris

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