Monday 6 May 2019


            The brother of Yankev Robinzon, he was born in Vishtinets (Vištytis), Lithuania.  He lived in Kovno and from 1940 in New York.  He studied law in Germany.  From 1948 he was running the Institute for Jewish Affairs in the World Jewish Congress in New York.  He published numerous pamphlets on Jews and Jewish issues after WWII: Di shpanye fun franko un ir politik legabe di yidn (The Spain of Franco and its politics in relation to the Jews) (New York, 1953), 23 pp.; Persye un afganistan un zeyere yidishe yishuvim (Persia and Afghanistan and their Jewish communities) (New York, 1953), 34 pp.; Konvents iber dem statut fun shtatloze perzonen (The convention on the status of stateless persons) (New York, 1954), 16 pp.; Oyfleyzung fun di yidishe kehiles in khine (The dissolution of the Jewish communities in China) (New York, 1954), 13 pp.; Aykhman—der eyberhar fun der natsi-mord-mashin (Eichmann, sovereign of the Nazi murder machine) (New York, 1961), 23 pp.; Yidishe yishuvim af der velt (Jewish communities in the world) (New York, 1959); and other pamphlets as well.  He died in New York.

Source: N. Goren, ed., Yahadut lita (Jews of Lithuania), vol. 3 (Tel Aviv, 1967), p. 231.
Dr. Elye (Elias) Shulman

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