Sunday 3 December 2017


            He was born in a Jewish village near Chenigov, Ukraine.  Until age sixteen he lived in the village and studied with itinerant school teachers, and later he departed for Nikolaev and became a carpenter.  He worked for six years in Kiev, building a palace for a Russian duchess.  He took part in the Russo-Japanese War in 1904.  In late 1905 he came to the United States and settled in St. Louis.  He was the author of storybooks in notebook form (St. Louis, 1906-1908); he later wrote Di knyaginye golitsin oder di natur-kind lilye krantsberg, an ibergelebte pasirung fun a idishen stalyer bashriben fun im aleyn (The princess Golitsin or the nature child Lilly Krantsberg, the occurrence experienced by a Jewish carpenter written by himself), three acts (St. Louis, 1918), 168 pp., with a preface, in which he recounts his own autobiography.  Added to the book is a plan of the princess’s palace, drawn by the author.
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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