Friday 16 December 2016


YUDE YULIN (b. 1888)
            The pen name of Yude Etman, he was born in Vilna.  At age seventeen, he began to act on the stage in Russian.  He later translated into Russian: Sholem-Aleykhem’s Mazl-tov (Congratulations) and Tsezeyt un tseshpreyt (Scattered widely); Perets Hirshbeyn’s Af yener zayt taykht (On the other side of the river), Di erd (The earth), Demerung (Twilight), and Eynzame veltn (Lonely worlds); Yankev Gordin’s Khasye di yesoyme (Khasye, the orphan), Di shkhite (The [ritual] slaughter), and Di shvue (The oath); Sh. An-sky’s Der dibek (The dybbuk); and Avrom Goldfaden’s Shulamis (Shulamit); among others.  In 1923 he moved over to the Yiddish stage, and played and produced plays in Vilna theaters.  In 1926 he played and directed in Riga’s New Yiddish Theater.  He translated from Russian into Yiddish Osip Dimov’s Yoshke muzikant, der zinger fun zayn troyer (Yoshke the musician, the singer of his grief) (Riga: Bilike bikher, 1925), 63 pp.  From time to time, he wrote for the Yiddish newspapers in Riga.  In 1939 he published in Yidishe bilder (Jewish images) 19 (103), chapters of his memoirs.  His subsequent fate remains unknown.

Source: Z. Zilbertsvayg, Leksikon fun yidishn teater (Handbook of the Yiddish theater), vol. 2 (with a bibliography).
Zaynvl Diamant

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