Friday 25 November 2016


            He was born in the village of Karanyets (Karaniec), Minsk district, Byelorussia.  From age twelve to sixteen, he studied in a small synagogue in Berezin (Berezino), and he later became an external student in Minsk.  He took part in the Zionist Socialist Party, using the pseudonym Aleksander.  From 1910 he was publishing stories in Litvin’s Lebn un visnshaft (Life and science), the anthology Knospen (Buds), Vilner vokhnblat (Vilna weekly newspaper) under the editorship of Lipman Levin, Der tog (The day) in Vilna (1912), Der shtern (The star) in Vilna (1913), and Chaim Zhitlovsky’s Dos naye lebn (The new life) in New York, among others.  In 1912 he attended the technical school in Liège.  From 1915 he was living in Odessa, serving as a member of the editorial board of the children’s magazine Blimelakh (Little flowers), and later he contributed work and from 1921 edited Komunistisher shtim (Communist voice).  He was a correspondent (using the name A. Dinin) for Forverts (Forward) in New York, Di prese (The press) in Buenos Aires, and Emes (Truth) in Moscow.  He also did translation work, such as: Professor D. Zabolotni, Onshtekndike krenk (In factious diseases) (Odessa, 1921), 63 pp.; Dr. Berlous, Tuberkuloz (Tuberculosis) (Odessa, 1922); Dr. Gershenzon, Vi tsu hodeven kinder un ernerung fun kinder in shul-elter (How to raise children and nourishment for children of school age); August Bebel, Di lage fun der froy itst un in der tsukunft (The condition of women now and in the future [original: Frau in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft]); and Karl Marx, Revolutsye un kontr-revolutsye (Revolution and counter-revolution).

Source: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 1.

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