Friday 9 May 2014


H(IRSH) UTYAN (b. September 5, 1905)

He was born in Vilna.  He studied in religious elementary school and in Epshteyn’s Hebrew high school.  In 1925 he left Vilna and from 1928 was living in Brussels.  He was in Auschwitz during the Nazi period.  He wrote down in verse how they led a Jewish woman to the gallows in A heldn-toyt, tsum heylikn ondeynk fun der oyshvitser heldin mala tsimetboym (A heroine’s death, to the eternal memory of an Auschwitz heroine, Mala Tsimetboym) (Brussels, 1945), 8 pp.  Over the years 1967 to 1970, he wrote articles for the monthly Centrale in Brussels.  No other biographical information remains extant.

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