Wednesday 28 May 2014


DOVID EYDELSBERG (DAVID EIDELSBERG) (April 28, 1893-December 8, 1963)
Born in Stashev (Staszów), Poland.  He studied in religious school, and in 1909 he became a teacher of Bible in a high school for girls (progimnazye).  In 1910 he published articles in Lodzher tageblat (Lodz daily).  In 1914 he came to the United States.  He taught in a high school and a college in Cleveland.  From 1916 he contributed to and later became managing editor of Yidishe velt (Jewish world) in Cleveland; later he was news editor for Tageblat (Daily) and Morgn-zhurnal (Morning journal) in New York, and he published a great number of essays on general Jewish and religious matters, as well as regular columns in the Hebrew supplement to Tageblat and Hayom (Today); and he contributed to English-Yiddish newspapers.  Among his books: Yisroel un ire golesn (Israel and its diasporas) (New York, 1953), 336 pp., and he revised the majority of Oytser fun ale medroshim (Treasury from all the midrashim), published by Y. Zevin, 3 volumes (New York, 1926).  He also translated into Yiddish a series of short stories by Jack London.  Among the pen names he used: D. Volfson, A. Karliner, Izmal.  He was a regular contributor to Tog morgn-zhurnal (Daily morning journal).  He lived in Brooklyn, New York, and died in the Bronx.

Sources: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 1; R. Avrom Hefterman, in Tog morgn-zhurnal (August 1953); Yankev Glatshteyn, in Amerikaner (November 1953); Y. Morgenshtern, in Hapardes (March 1953); Sh. Izban, in Mizrakhi-veg (Tishrei, 1954).