Wednesday 13 March 2019


            He was a Soviet Yiddish writer, born in Lahoysk, Minsk Province, the brother of Moyshe Karpinovitsh.  He worked for many years as a proofreader and preparer of manuscripts for the press at the state publishing house of Ogiz.  His work appeared in the anthology Shloglerishe trit (Traumatic steps) (Minsk, 1932).  He translated Ivan Lichev’s Potyomkintses (Sailors on the Potemkin [original: Potemkintsky]) (Minsk: State Publ., 1936), 179 pp. 
Berl Cohen


  1. Correction in the spelling of the original title :
    He translated Ivan Lichev’s Potyomkintses (Sailors on the Potemkin [original: Потемкинцы = Potemkintsy]) (Minsk: State Publ., 1936), 179 pp. (the memoirs of the participant of the uprising on the battleship "Knyaz Potyomkin-Tavritshesky" on the 27/14 June 1905. г.

  2. Most probably YANKL KARPINOVITSH did the translation into Yiddish of Mikhail Koltsov's (real name of the author is Moyshe Fridlyand) Shterntreger (orig. : Звездоносцы = Those who wear stars).- Minsk : Melukhe-farlag fun Vaysrusland, Yidsekter, 1932.- 74, [2] pp. His full surname is mentioned as a proofreader of this book.
    מיכאיל קאלצאװ ; יידיש - י. ק-טש
    Mikhail Koltsov ; yidish - Y. K-tsh
    This book is a collection of 11 feature articles about civil war in Russia.
    צו די יאמלײט און װעגן זײ
    דאס באדינגלעכע און דאס אומבאדינגלעכע
    א מענטש אין א שינעל
    דער רױטער דירעקטער מיטן רעװאלװער
    איר װילט - אין א שפאס, איר װילט - אף ערנסט
    אן קײנשום פראם-בלעמע
    פראגעס זיך אלײן
    אין װאס איז דער אונטערשײד
    דער מיליטערישער פאלקאם און א בריװ פון פאריז
    1. Lente
    2. Tsu di yamlayt un vegn zey
    3. Gevirbl
    4. Dos badinglekhe un dos umbadinglekhe
    5. A mentsh in a shinel
    6. Der royter direkter mitn revolver
    7. Ir vilt - in a shpas, ir vilt - af ernst
    8. On keynshum prom-bleme
    9. Frages zikh aleyn
    10. In vos iz der untersheyd
    11. Der militerisher polkom un a briv fun Pariz
