Sunday 3 November 2019


FROYM SHEDLETSKI (b. January 6, 1922)
            He was a journalist, born in Minsk-Mazovyetsk (Minsk-Mazowiecki), Poland.  He attended religious elementary school, a Tarbut school, and a Hebrew teachers’ seminary.  During the war he was confined in the Warsaw Ghetto and later hidden by a Polish peasant (together with Leyb Rokhman and others).  After the war he lived in Lublin, Lodz, Munich, and Paris, and from 1948 he was in Israel.  He worked for the Yiddish broadcast for state radio.  He lived in Jerusalem.  He began writing reportage pieces and feuilletons for Haytige nayes (Today’s news) in Warsaw.  He later contributed to: Dos naye lebn (The new life) in Lodz (a cofounder); the weekly Iud (Unity) in Lodz (editor); Unzer veg (Our way) in Munich; Unzer vort (Our word) in Paris (co-editor); Folk un tsien (People and Zion) in Jerusalem (editor from 1975); Letste nayes (Latest news) in Tel Aviv; Yerusholaimer almanakh (Jerusalem almanac); and Tsuzamen (Together) in Tel Aviv (1974); among others.  He edited: Pinkes khmyelnik, yizker bukh nokh der khorevgevarener yidisher kehile (Records of Chmielnik, remembrance volume for the destroyed Jewish community) (Tel Aviv, 1960), 1300 columns; Sefer dombroven (Volume for Dumbrăveni) (Jerusalem, 1974), 252 pp.; and Seyfer minsk-mazovyetsk, yizker-bukh nokh der khorev-gevorener-kehile minsḳ-mazovyetsḳ (Volume for Minsk-Mazowiecki, remembrance volume for a destroyed community Minsk-Mazowiecki) (Jerusalem, 1977), 633 pp.
Ruvn Goldberg

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