Thursday 28 August 2014


NAKHMEN (NACHMAN) AKS (March 15, 1897-January 1984)
     Born in Mlave (Mława), Poland.  He attended elementary school.  In 1924 he emigrated to Mexico.  In 1927 he published his first feature article in Meksikaner yidish lebn (Mexican Jewish life) under the pen name of Nachmuni.  He contributed to Di tsayt (The times) and Foroys (Onward) in Mexico City.  He also contributed to Mlaver pinkes (Records of Mlave) (New York).  From 1944 he was a member of the editorial board of the journal Foroys in Mexico City.  It was there that he died.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This was my zeide! I can add a few facts, or at least my recollection of these. He moved to Mexico City for Mlawa to try his luck at a better life, leaving behind his wife Chayeh and daughter (my mom) Rosa (spanish for Ruchl?). He sold lingerie on the sidewalks, eventually moving to a proper street store that he rented until the late 70s when the ceiling collapsed and had to move out. As business was brisk he sent for wife and daughter within a couple of years of moving to Mexico City. He had a circle of friends, all Yiddish speakers and followers of the Bundt movement, and some of them (eg, Mr Bayon) were in fact Yidisch teachers at one or the other of the two day schools in Mexico city that taught Yidish (I attended one of them , the "Nuevo Colegio Israelita Yitzhok Leibush Peretz" named after the famous Yidisch poet).
