Sunday 31 August 2014


HENEKH AKERMAN (October 6, 1901-September 8, 1970)
     Born in the village of Malinets, Bessarabia.  His first publication was a poem in Der morgn (The morning) in Kishinev (1918).  He emigrated to the United States in 1920 and published poems in Feder (Pen), Oyfgang (Arise), Groyser kundes (Great prankster), Gerekhtikeyt (Justice), Morgn-zhurnal (Morning journal), Amerikaner (American), Fraye arbeter shtime (Free voice of labor), Di tsayt (The times), and Kinder-zhurnal (Children’s magazine).  He was regular contributor to Tog morgn-zhurnal (Morning journal).  He made himself especially popular for “amazing stories from real life,” which he began publishing in Forverts (Forward) in 1932.  From 1934 he was an associate contributor at Tog (Day).  In 1953 he visited the state of Israel.  Among his books: Lider and proze (Poems and prose) (Czernowitz, 1918); Kh’bin keynmol nisht avek fun der heym (I never left home) (Tel Aviv: Peretz Publ., 1962), 328 pp.  Together with Moyshe Shtarkman and Zelig Dorfman, he edited the anthology Refleksn (Reflections) (New York, 1932).  He wrote under the pseudonyms: A. Malinitser, H. Atlas, H. Akosta, and H. Libes.

Sources: Hemshekh-antologye (Hemshekh anthology) (New York, 1945), pp. 134-42; Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 1.

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