Thursday 10 January 2019


            He was born in Krasni, Vilna region.  He studied in religious elementary school and yeshiva, and he graduated from the Vilna Jewish teachers’ seminary.  He was a teacher in the Y. L. Perets public school in Pruzhany and the Jewish schools in Lodz and Vilna.  Together with G. Udinski and M. Volanski, he co-edited Pinkes fun der shtot pruzhene (Records of the city of Pruzhany) (Pruzhany, 1930), 127 pp.  He contributed to this work a series of pieces, and they were reprinted in the remembrance records of five communities represented in the title: Pinkes pruzhene, bereze, moltsh, shereshev, selts (Records of Pruzhany, Bereza, Malecz, Sharashova, and Syalyets), ed. M. Bernstein.  He also wrote for semi-legal Yiddish publications in Vilna and for Folks-shtime (People’s voice) in Warsaw.  In 1937 he was deported to Kartuz-Bereza and remained there until the outbreak of WWII.  He fled to Russia when the Germans invaded Poland, and after the war returned to Poland (Wroclaw), before making aliya to Israel.  He was last living in Netanya.

Source: M. W. Bernstein, Pinkes pruzhene, bereze, moltsh, shereshev, selts (Records of Pruzhany, Bereza, Malecz, Sharashova, and Syalyets) (Buenos Aires, 1958), p. 829.
Yankev Kahan

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