Monday 20 May 2019


            He was the author of Dos liebshaft, tsvey vahre und vinderbare geshikhten, iber-zetst fun loshn koydesh (Love, two true and wonderful stories, translated from Hebrew) (Pyotrków: Sh. Belkhatovski, 1906/1907) 60 pp.
Berl Cohen


  1. YANKEV-YOYSEF ROZENSHTEYN wrote Kenig Bistanai :erts[e]hlung.- Pyotrków, 1899.- 8 pp.
    קעניג ביסתנאי: ערצהלונג
    יעקב יוסף ראזענשטײן
    The whole story includes the rabbinical legends about the birth of Bostanai, his behavour at the Court of the King and his marriage to the Persian princess called "Dara".

  2. YANKEV-YOYSEF ROZENSHTEYN was the translator and the author of the preface of the anonymous Dos liebshaft, tsvey vahre und vinderbare geshikhten, iber-zetst fun loshn koydesh durkh den toyb-shtimmen Yankev Yoysef Rozenshteyn (Love, two true and wonderful stories, translated from Hebrew by deaf-mute Yankev Yoysef Rozenshteyn). These two stories are :
    1. פון דעם גאון ר’ יצחק ז”ל מטורנא יע”א
    Fun dem gaon r.' Ytskhak z"l miTurna (About the gaon Rabbi Isaac Tyrnau )
    2. פון צװײא טרױע חברים אין קאנסטאנטינאפאל
    Fun tsvey troye khaverim in Konstantinopol (About two sad/ true (?) friends from Konstantinopol)
    The original Hebrew edition is mentioned partly in the preface and the title is given in Russian on the title page (in old orthogr. Перстъ Божiй/Перст Божий = The finger of God):
    אצבע אלהים
    [יוצאים לאור בהשתדלות כה"ר גבריאל פאלק].- קעניגסערג, 1857
    Etsba Elohim
    Kenigsberg, 1857
    The first story is based on the story about Rabbi Isaac Tyrnau and his beautiful daughter and is taken from Etsba Elohim.

    1. *Istanbul is formerly known as Constantinople/Constantinopolis
