Monday 20 May 2019


            The son of Khayim-Dovid Rozenshteyn, he was born in Minsk.  His Hebraized surname was Even-Shoshan.  He studied in Minsk, Kharkov, and Warsaw.  He was active in “Tseire Tsiyon” (Young Zionists) and Zionist socialists, as well as Haaluts (Pioneer).  From 1926 he was living in the land of Israel.  He published in Erd un arbet (Land and work) in Kharkov (later, Kiev), Bafrayung-shtime (Voice of liberation) in Warsaw, and other Zionist socialist periodicals.  He was co-editor of Bafrayung (Liberation) in Warsaw, edited twelve issues of Farn hakholets (For the pioneer), as well as B. Katsenelson’s Oysgeveylte shriftn (Selected writings) in Tel Aviv.  His work appeared in: Leyb Shpizman, Khalutsim in poyln (Pioneers in Poland), vol. 1 (New York, 1959).  His pamphlets include: Di sotsyale diferentsirung funem yidishn folk (The social differentiation of the Jewish people) (Warsaw: Bafrayung, 1921), 24 pp.; Vos iz azoyns di histadrut? (What is up with the Labor Federation?) (Tel Aviv, 1947), 63 pp.  He wrote mostly in Hebrew, among other items: Toldot tenuat hapoalim (History of the movement of laborers) in three volumes.  He died in Tel Aviv.

Sources: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 4; Getzel Kressel, Leksikon hasifrut haivrit (Handbook of Hebrew literature), vol. 2 (Meravya, 1967).
Ruvn Goldberg

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