Sunday 12 May 2019


ARN ROZIN (b. January 6, 1910)
            He was born in Ozlyan, Byelorussia.  From 1919 he was living in Minsk.  He graduated there from high school and as an engineer and economist in Kharkov.  He was sentenced to five years in a camp in the Gulag for Zionist work (1935-1940).  He spent the entirety of WWII at the front as a soldier in the Red Army.  From 1967 he was living in Israel.  He wrote about Jews in Soviet Russia for: Davar (Word) and Letste nayes (Latest news) in Tel Aviv; Yerusholaimer almanakh (Jerusalem almanac) and Folk un tsien (People and Zion) in Jerusalem; serialized stories in Unzer veg (Our way) in Paris; and a monograph on Jews in Minsk (1917-1941) in Minsk, ir veem beyisrael (Minsk, a city with a large Jewish population) 2 (1983), which appeared in Hebrew translated by Sh. Evan-Shoshan.  In book form: Mayn veg aheym, memuarn fun an asir-tsien in ratn-farband (My way home, memoirs of a prisoner of Zion in the Soviet Union) (Jerusalem, 1981), 384 pp., translated into Hebrew by David Niv as Darki habayta, zikhronot shel asir-tsiyon biverit-hamoatsot (Jerusalem, 1983), 358 pp.

Sources: Y. Yanasovitsh, in Yisorel shtime (Tel Aviv) (October 6, 1981); Y. Kornhenlder, in Letste nayes (Tel Aviv) (April 9, 1982).
Ruvn Goldberg

Berl Kagan, comp., Leksikon fun yidish-shraybers (Biographical dictionary of Yiddish writers) (New York, 1986), cols. 496-97.

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