Thursday 28 February 2019


BOREKH KAPLINSKI (b. April 16, 1913)
            He was born in Vilna.  He studied in a Jewish public school in Zhetel, in a Grodno high school, and law in Vilna.  In 1935 he graduated from the Tarbut teachers’ seminary and was a teacher in several towns.  He was confined in the Vilna ghetto and later in several concentration camps.  After the war he lived for two years in Lodz.  In 1948 he departed for Israel, graduating in law in 1962 from Tel Aviv University and practicing in Tel Aviv as a lawyer.  He published reportage pieces in Haynt (Today) in Warsaw, Bafrayung (Liberation) in Lodz, and later contributed to Bleter far oylim (Pages for immigrants to Israel) in Tel Aviv.  He edited: Pinkes zhetl (Records of Zhetel) (Tel Aviv, 1957); Pinkes hrubishov (Records of Hrubieszów) (Tel Aviv, 1962); Seyfer kozhenits (Volume for Kozienice) (Tel Aviv, 1969).
Ruvn Goldberg

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