Wednesday 29 July 2015


YEHUDE GUZ-RIVKIN (January 1894-July 25, 1952)
            This was the adopted name of Y. L. Berditshevski, born in Rogatshov (Rogachev), Volhynia.  He studied in a Talmud Torah, later in a state public school.  In 1913 he emigrated to the United States.  He published poems in: Tageblat (Daily newspaper), Fraye arbeter shtime (Free voice of labor), Di naye velt (The new world), Der fraynd (The friend), organ of the Workmen’s Circle, Idishe velt (Jewish world) in Philadelphia, Trentoner vokhnblat (Trenton weekly newspaper), and Shtern (Star) in Paterson, New Jersey, among others.  He published a series of poems in the anthology In veg (On the road) (New York, 1918).  He also wrote stories.  He was the correspondent for Tog (Day) in Newark, New Jersey.  Among his books: Shtraln (Beams), poetry and prose (New York, 1928), 320 pp.; Blumen un derner, dertsyelen, bilder, shtimungen un lider (Flowers and thorns, stories, images, moods, and poems) (New York, 1924), 304 pp.  He died in Newark.

Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 1.

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