Wednesday 21 September 2016


            He hailed from Kishinev, Bessarabia.  He was a close friend of A. B. Gotlober.  He was for many years the supervisor of the Kishinev Jewish hospital.  Using the pen name “Lev Sameaḥ” (Cheerful heart), he wrote humorous sketches on Jewish life in Bessarabia for Hamelits (The advocate) and Kol mevaser (Herald), among other serials.  He was the author of several booklets under the general title Himmel und erd (Himl un erd, Heaven and earth), first pamphlet (Warsaw, 1879), 40 pp., with a few words from A. B. Gotlober and with a message, entitled “Liber lezer” (Dear reader), by the author, who vowed to give the money from his booklets to “the new annex to the hospital in K.” [Kishinev]; second brochure (Warsaw, 1881), 40 pp.  The two booklets were composed in the form of scenes, in which “two formerly religious old men in K[ishinev] hospital meet after their death in the real world.”
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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